Ongoing Projects

  1. Finish personal knowledge base transition
  2. Use Memex Once a day and review it monthly for two months
  3. Use Anki once a day and continue porting notes to cards
  4. Update Goal Collection and Portrayal system
  5. Aggregate fitbit data into dashboard

Pandemic Plans

  1. Get site back up and running
  2. Finish the Yale Happiness Course
  3. Finish Malware Class
  4. Finish Quality of Speaking Lecture and chart goals for communication
  5. Build a simple project and set it up on Product hunt

Stretch Goals

  1. The splits
  2. Build out DappDappGoose
  3. Padi certication - online
  4. Convert trillium to React Native
  5. Deploy update to Memex

Notes on Goal Setting

I love setting goals and adding them but the issue is tend to do so on a daily, weekly, seasonally-ish, and yearly patterns. And I do so directly to my Notes. Which at this point (9/4/20) is still my main PKB. I have several shortcuts setup that allow me to do it in a particular format automatically for each of those lengths of time. Which is useful - but Notes is still just a placeholder for something better.

Something that can manage my goals in all the time formats. Will remind about stale goals and set them in a place where extra details can be added on them if necessary.

Stale goals also inherently means time needs to be attributed to them (which is necessary for a good goal anyway).

And it needs to be easily cross referenceable with my daily activities, studies, and regimen in general.

I added these Pandemic Goals at the beginning of April and have added some since. But I don’t know where to put them now on the site. A piece of me wants to leave them here until they’re all finished and then move them down to be replaced by more recent goals. Another piece of me feels like this isn’t the right medium for it and that I have to update this collection method before i try and think of a more complex system.

Which makes me think I’ve got a new goal.