

Static & Styling

I’m using jekyll to host this static site. I’d rather start small and simple and use it then plan for something much larger that keeps getting pushed off.

Disqus for comments for now.

This exists because

I have many hobbies, and I tend to find new things that I want to become “acceptable” at every other day. This constant intrigue into different new things can make it difficult to iterate upon an individual skill long enough to master it. A decade ago I realized that the only way to conquer this thirst was to start listing them and keeping physical track of them, as well as my day…and week…and month…and year.

I miss the renaissance man. The encyclopedic human, that had a repository of knowledge that he used to do, assess, address, and/or create anything.

I felt for a long time this meant one had to retain this knowledge without help. I’ve learned that not only is that belief incorrect in the days of old, but foolish today. One should use any and every tool at their disposal. This is the beginnings of a tool to offload some mental activity.


  • Make a nice little commit script for updates with an easy commit message

  • Add Projects

  • Write a new post on finance with programming

  • Start migrating my knowledge base from my notes….a pretty good idea or trillium and use this as the central hub for it

  • Setup spaced repitition methodologies on knowledge base

  • Begin creating tags that can connect major ideas and themes

  • Setup Wikipedia hover-overs on terms and topics

Inspirations for this humble start to a blog and PKB

Alfred My Mind


Mr. Owl


Quantified Self


Joe Balcom

Fs Blog